Redshift joins and distkeys

Written on August 2, 2018

Redshift is a distributed columnar database. Columnar databases scale easily by distributing data between nodes in very specific ways. This typically comes with a cost: joins are expensive, if not impossible. Redshift is no exception, although it allows a distribution key by which to spread records. This way, joins on distkeys do not require records to be shuffled between nodes, and are somewhat cheap. Surprisingly, however, joins on distkey and another column currently require a shuffle.

Let’s take the example of tracking Newsfeed user sessions. The ETL below appends nightly to a feed_sessions table. It pulls from feed_init and feed_show_story, which both distkey on user_id.

  i.ts as session_start_at,
  nvl(max(s.story_index),0) as stories_seen
from feed_init i
left join feed_show_story s
  on i.session_id = s.session_id
  and datediff('second', i.ts, s.ts) <= 12*60*60 
  -- cap sessions to 12h
where i.ts >= '2018-08-01' 
  and i.ts < '2018-08-02'
  and s.ts >= '2018-08-01'
  and s.ts < '2018-08-02 12:00:00' 
  -- extra 12h so as to not cut sessions starting at 23:59

When running this query, the optimizer detects that session_id is the distkey of neither table. Running an explain outputs a line indicating data from both tables has to be shuffled. Something super expensive like this:

-> XN Hash Join DS_DIST_BOTH (cost=123456.78..234567.89 rows=78901 width=89)

The optimizer does not know that each session_id maps to a single user_id. Redshift is not a relational DB, and it does not enforce such subkey constraints. We could explicitly tell the optimizer to consider the distkey. However, adding a and i.user_id = s.user_id outputs the same query plan. If it worked, we’d see something indicating none of the tables needs to be shuffled. Something like this:

-> XN Merge Join DS_DIST_NONE (cost=0.0..123.45 rows=78901 width=89)

I’m not sure it’s a bug or a feature to be added, but I would really like it if the Redshift optimizer considered the distkey when I explicitly write it in a join.

See also this Yelp presentation on Redshift distkeys.